The Magnificent AK47 Practice Material
All our Practice Pieces have been migrated to
Here you will find all the songs from our repertoire and the individual practice pieces for the different parts as well as any words or sheet music / notation that we have.
If you have not already been set up with access then you can request it by emailing
You will need a Box account to gain access but this is a quick thing to do and it is handy having your own file sharing/backup.
But don't be daunted by this, you only need to learn one part at a time!
Other Links to other stuff
Some of these links might require more persistence to get through than others but we hope it will be worth it.
Videos on YouTube Channel
Our Facebook page
Stills on Flickr
The (very) occasional Twitter
The White Hart Pub, High Road, Ashton Keynes 01285 861247 - our "spiritual home" and local watering hole as well as regular rehearsal place.
A great pub run by a great team - get yourself down there as often as you can... We do!

The Spooky Men (Web Site)
Chris Samuel
Just Sing ...
Singing With Attitude
Other Groups
The Exmouth Shanty Men we performed with at Chippenham Folk Festival 2013
The lovely Mothers Jam
The inspirational The source of our Magnificent 3 Marlborough Community Choir
The source of our Magnificent 3 Swindon Scratch Choir
One of our Blokes also sings with Pewsey Male Voice Choir
Page Last updated: Friday 12th September 2014
Change: Updated the links to The White Hart.