Those of us who attended the latest rehearsal only the previous weekend, when we had a (Choirmeister Assisted) Flying Solo session, may recollect that it was not the best of run throughs we have ever had, and that was with our glorious Musical Mentor leading us, not some make do stand in! All of which did not bode terribly well for our slot at the prestigious Bristol Festival of Song in St George's hall.
Yet sometimes it is easy to forget just how far we have come as a group in the last year. Like the real troupers that they are, the entire troupe, new and old members, rose magnificently to the occasion and quite literally stormed the stage with a spectacular Let me through that completely baffled the audience and the choir performing in the hall at the time. Luckily most people got the joke pretty quickly and this set the tone for a terrific show.
Some of the singing was actually not bad at all, even rating a "pretty good" from one or two quarters, and the range of costumes and use of props just keeps getting better and better. Some amazing creativity and spectacular outfits all secreted onto the stage to be whipped out at the appropriate moment - so much to see, a veritable visual and audio feast.
One of the great things about living in the Digital Age is that it is so easy to capture events on reasonable quality recording devices for ready playback. We have had the good fortune to receive a number of terrific photos and videos from the gig and it is great being able to play things back and spot all kinds of little nuances that one missed at the time. Have a look at our Flickr photos from the event and watch out for more uploads on YouTube and SoundCloud as we progress material through our stringent quality control procedures!
All in all another tremendous performance. Well done lads!
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