Wednesday 18 January 2012

Three more sleeps till we meet again

So, the New Year has started and how many resolutions have you managed to keep? There are so many good intentions at this time of year but how can you stay the distance and achieve that greatest of all things, gentlemanly bonhommie?

Well, we've made it easy for you to

1. Make new friends
2. Learn new skills
3. Sing like a bloke

all you have to do is join The Magnificent AK47!

New Members
Word on the street, in the pub and on the email is that a number of Blokes have let it be known that they might like to be invited to come along and join us at these sessions and many others. On behalf of the Inner Circle of The Magnificent AK47, we would like it to be known that the invitation to become a member is extended to all, dependent on the following criteria being achieved:

1. the prospective member can hold a tune and remember the words to a level appropriate for the rest of the group (ie reasonably well)
2. is a decent bloke and fits in with the rest of the Group and does not do anything untoward
3. pays any subscriptions as may be required

If you know of anyone likely to achieve these criteria who would like to come along, first session is free then pro rata for the rest of the term. Subscriptions are likely to be around the £30 mark for the first half of the year for the 4 planned Workshops. Please email to let us know of any new prospective members just so we have an idea of how much beer we may need to blag from our Beer Sponsors.

As ever we are seeking to find that fine balancing line between being just a little too keen for some people and giving ourselves as many opportunities as possible to get together, have a darn good sing, and enjoy the extraordinary experience that is The Magnificent AK47.

Next Workshop
A reminder that we are due to re-convene again on Sunday 22nd January, 5 - 7 pm at The White Hart. Chris our Glorious Choirmeister has decreed that one and all should be revising the latest pieces, in particular Shosholosza, Ah Robin, Mravaljamier and And I love her. All are available on our SoundCloud. If anyone has difficulties using or downloading (click on the "Down Arrow" on the right by each track) use the above email address to let us know and we can probably help.

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