Saturday 28 December 2013

Where were you when? Absent Bob strikes again in Lake Louise

Once again, our collective globe trotting continues a pace with a recent(ish) entry from our very own Archaeologist / Daring Pilot / Aeriel Photographer in residence, one Bob B, or as he is more commonly known "Absent Bob"!

Not only being a fine contributor to passing on knowledge about local historical landmarks to liven up otherwise not so lively coach trips, he is a bit of a star at these T-Shirt photos.  

This particular pieces is apparently entitled "Pointless Glaciation" and as you can see he has worked "pointing" AND what we can only take his word for it, a glacier, this photo being snapped near the world famous Lake Louise in that there Canadia.

Anyway, the scores are in

1. The Location - 3.5 (Impressive use of landscape although anyone who has ever read one of these "Where were you when" postings will know what is coming.... "no visible signage").

2. The Pose - 4.0 (Encapsulating pointlessness with a great use of actually pointing and no little grandeur, despite the trousers and socks, this scores very well).

3. The X-Factor -  4.0 (Blending a magnificent natural feature, with such pointy pointless grandeur and a fine pair of knees, Absent Bob does it again - another good score).

Making that a total of 11.5 - The highest score yet from a bloke pointing to a world famous natural feature whilst exposing his lower legs.

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