Monday 8 September 2014

Pow Wow plus Wind Mill = Another Magnificent Day Out

Tis the time of year when many of us start a pondering "when can I start larking about and singing with all those top blokes I'm fortunate enough to know?"  And the answer is THIS Wednesday onwards!

There is much girding of vocal loins, lubricating of larynxes after the long summer recess and re-unlocking of the inner minstrel as the Magnificent Multi-hatted singing machine cranks itself back into action.

And what an Autumn / pre-Yuletide season we have planned!  Adventures start from the very beginning with a return to the School Hall where it all started some six years ago and continue with a combined "sonic / cultural experience" and Pow Wow (AGM in slightly more conventional speak) this coming Sunday 14th September.  There may also be talk of C.AM.E.L.s (Collectives [not committees] Acting with More or less Executive Level powers) and much more besides.  So come along and hear all about it if you are interested.

We will be making the trip to close by to where BlokeFest 2014 took place, very near to the Crofton Beam Engine and will be visiting the historical Wilton Windmill.  The blokes will be wandering around on a semi-organized guided tour at around 13:00 and doing a bit of singing to anyone within earshot, thence at around 14:00 to The Bruce Arms, scene of the highly successful BlokeFest 2014 where the lads

FoBaFoBs (Family of Blokes and Friends of Blokes) all very welcome to come along to visit the Windmill, hear the singing, see the highly tuned democratic process that is a Pow Wow in action and maybe have a bite to eat and something to drink.

For more information about other forthcoming adventures, such as Wold Tour, singing in a Convent etc, check out all the dates on the er, Dates page on, up a bit, right a bit, fire!

P.S.  Thanks to Bill H for yet another fabulous poster - he is a clever chap!

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