Monday, 4 November 2019

Help us sell out the Sundial as Thanks Giving for 40 years of Johnny

Hello!  It's been a while... things have been outwardly quiet on the Magnificent front but that is about to change as we crank back into action at one of our most regular haunts... The Sundial Theatre in Cirencester.

This concert will raise funds for the Donor Family Network, a charity which supports families who have lost a loved one who has donated organs for transplant, and at the same time raising awareness of organ donation and the NHS Organ Donation Register.

And we have much to thank this amazing organisation for, in the shape of the small but (otherwise reasonably) perfectly formed Mr Johnny Mayell, has been one of our brothers in song these many years at BlokeFest and The Magnificent AK47.  He in turn is indebted to one such family who made it possible for him to undergo a successful kidney transplant in 1979.  Forty years later Johnny and the kidney are still going strong!

We have already sold out the venue and they have put more tickets on sale so please try to come along to what should be an emotional and memorable concert, help us sell it out for a second time (!) and raise lots of money for a great cause.

Tickets are available from

If you can’t, but would like to make a donation to the Donor Family Network, Johnny has set up a Justgiving page at

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