Everyone who knows anything about the blokes of The Magnificent AK47 knows they LOVE a good bit of hardware, and here we can see a particularly Magnificent specimen of top quality toolage, and even more special than that, it is monogrammed with the name of a very special person within our ranks.
And what is so extra special about this tool, we hear you ask? (We are talking of the spanner
not the bloke at this point you understand . . . ). It is not only a
wonderful piece of industrial heritage in pristine working order, having
been specially lubricated for the occasion, but it is a potent symbol
of immense esteem, it is token for the very first Edwin Beard Budding
Unsung Hero Award, which has been dreamt up to be, er, awarded to
recognize an Unsung Hero who makes "stuff happen" for all concerned in
the group and beyond.
And the inaugural
winner at this year's Pow Wow is none other than former Chief Instigator, the infamous Neil B,
the typist behind the majority of the mistyfyingling vast number of emails
that whistle round the planet to help make all the Magnficence happen. As
you can see from the photo he is a practical sort of chap using a pair of pliers to try to lever off the top of the whisky box to try to get into the bottle stuck underneath!
Either way, a very well deserved prize and here's to the next winner at some point.
Thanks as ever to Bill H for such a lovely snap of Neil in action.
Well deserved indeed. And with no more excuses for having untightened nuts, this may explain Neil's recent foray into the tenor section.