It is now only 3 sleeps until our very first official(ish) Pow Wow.
Now we nearly have a grown up constitution we need to do some things that will pass for being semi organized, which hopefully we can just about cope with doing! We are taking advantage of the Workshop we have had scheduled for a while to combine it with a semi official photo shoot for our first calendar (!) and then hang around for an evening meal together and a chance to talk about our ethos, elect some officers and then get on with drinking, eating and hopefully a bit of impromptu singing and possibly one or two other surprises.
The plan for the day is as follows:
14:45 Muster in The White Hart
15:00 Start the photo shoot, pints in hand
16:45 Finish photo shoot
17:00 Workshop with Chris
19:00 Finish workshop and get suitable refreshments
19:30 Begin Pow Wow and finish as soon as possible to start the meal along with much drinking, some singing and who knows what else
22:30 We get kicked out of the pub, and rightly so, it being a school night!
Looking forward to an entertaining afternoon and evening. We'll report back afterwards, hopefully with the odd photo or two.
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