14:45 Muster in The White Hart
15:00 Start the photo shoot, pints in hand - Sprogs first (see below)
16:45 Finish photo shoot
17:00 Workshop with Chris
19:00 Finish workshop and get suitable refreshments
19:30 Begin Pow Wow and finish as soon as possible to start the meal along with much mingling, drinking, some singing and who knows what else
22:30 We get kicked out of the pub, and rightly so, it being a school night!
Magnificent Sprogs Photo shoot
We thought that we would like to take the opportunity to get some photos of the mini Magnificents, the Magnificent Sprogs, so please bring anyone falling into this category, ie your kids, wearing T-Shirts. There may well be some spare T-Shirts to borrow or purchase if they don't already have their own. We can take some photos of them at the beginning of the session and they can then disappear home.
Pow Wow
We thought that we should go for the following agenda
- Pre-amble about transitioning from de facto to actual
- Constitution - discuss and approve
- Elect officers
- Plans for the Group
- Award of the prizes for the T-Shirt competition
Here's looking forward to a unique afternoon / evening!
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